HRA is a human rights organization based in Berkeley, California. We are dedicated to promoting and protecting international human rights in the United States and abroad.

HRA participates actively in the work of various United Nations human rights bodies, using its status as a fully accredited Non-Governmental Organization. We are most involved at the United Nations Council on Human Rights, the Commission on the Status of Women, the Commission on Sustainable Development, and several treaty bodies, including the Human Rights Committee and the Committee on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination. We also participate in UN Conferences, including the women’s conference in Beijing, China; the racism conference in Durban, South Africa; and the Conference on the rights of the child in New York, NY.

HRA addresses the panoply of human rights issues, including minority and bodies on the human rights aspects of such issues as: minority and peoples’ rights; the rights of the child; juvenile criminal sentencing; trafficking in women and children; migrant worker rights; the right to housing; the right to food; affirmative action; corporate accountability; and human rights and the environment.

Board of Directors

  • Connie de la Vega
    Professor of Law, University of San Francisco
  • Betelhem Gedlu
    Intellectual Property and Human Rights Lawyer
  • Kathryn J. Burke
    Attorney, Private Practice
  • Anna Manuel
    Assistant GeneralCounsel, California Student Aid Commssion
  • Julianne C. Traylor
    Associate Director, International Programs, University of San Francisco
  • Trevor J. Yan
    Human Rights Lawyer

National Advisory Board

International Advisory Board

  • Philip Alston
    Professor of Law, New York University
  • Jose Lindgren Alves
    Executive Secretary, Institute for Public Policies in Human Rights in Mercosur, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Jeremy McBride
    Barrister, Monckton Chambers in London, U.K.
  • C.M. Eya Nchama
    Judge, Court of Leases and Rents, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
    Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, 1980, Argentina
  • Deepika Udagama
    Center for Study of Human Rights, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

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